Vertical centrifugal pump with long shaft
Series V1/V2 Slurry pump with long or double shaft and intermediate bearing

For dry well installation of the pump, the pump hydraulics are sealed on the medium side with a mechanical seal. For wet well installation of the pump, the bearing is sealed on the shaft side by a mechanical seal and the hydraulics on the medium side with a throttle bushing. This V series benefits from the modular construction of our pump model series. The hydraulic parts of the V series can therefore be designed in models HPK, NPK, NPW and KB and are available as metallic, as well as elastomer-lined pumps.

Model V1: with this model, the drive shaft is designed as one part. Installation depths up to 2500 mm from the lower edge of the installation plate to the middle of the pump housing can be realised.This installation type is suitable for wet and dry well installations.

Model V2: in a model V2, the drive shaft is designed in two parts having an intermediate coupling. Due to this design, installation lengths up to 5000 mm from the bottom edge of the installation plate to the middle of the pump housing is possible. This installation type is suitable for wet and dry well installation.

Débit de refoulement up to 2500 m3/h
Débit, à un niveau up to 60 M.FL.S
Vitesse de la pompe up to 1480 min-1
Diamètre nominal de raccordement 32 - 400
pression de service max. 10 Bar
Température du liquide 70 °C
Position de la tubulure de pression au choix
Résistance à la corrosion à PH 0 - 14
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Harpener Heide 14, 44805 Bochum, Germany +49 234 / 893570-0
Harpener Heide 14, 44805 Bochum, Germany +49 234 / 893570-0
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