Control valves
*-Serie Shut-off valve based on the modular principle as an actuator in a corresponding control loop

The control valve is a shut-off valve, which is suitable for modulation of the following performance features in the technological process: Flow rate, pressure, temperature, fluid level. As a response to the signal, the flow rate can completely or partly open or close. Due to the application of various actuators, the control valve can be applied in the thermodynamic process in the constant control system (analogue system 4 ... 20mA, 0-10V), as well as in the digital control system (three-position system). All control valves are designed according to the modular principle and contain the following three main structural units: housing, throttle unit, valve actuator. The straight-way valve or elbow valve housing is manufactured from carbonaceous, cold-resistant or corrosion-resistant steel. The standard connection with the pipeline is the flange connection. A different version (weld-on or coupling version) of the docking points is possible.

The valve can be designed with a pneumatic electric actuator or a manual actuator. The pneumatic actuator can be put together with the handwheel (top or side) and the following additional devices: filter pressure regulators, solenoids, limit switches, positioners. All pneumatic actuators have a return spring, with which the valve can be automatically closed or opened when switching off the pressure connection. Strict specifications exist for the control equipment that is intended for the high pressure and high temperatures. Therefore, Habermann Aurum Pumpen GmbH exclusively supplies products from European manufacture, so that the highest quality can be guaranteed.

Pression nominale 16, 25, 40, 100, 160, 400 Bar
Classe d'étanchéité IV, V, VI nach DIN EN 12266
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Harpener Heide 14, 44805 Bochum, Germany +49 234 / 893570-0
Harpener Heide 14, 44805 Bochum, Germany +49 234 / 893570-0
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