Slurry pumps with elastic lining
Series HPK Pump with elastic lining of all hydraulic parts getting into contact with the medium

Highly wear-resistant and corrosion-resistant armoured pumps for pumping fluid-solid mixtures.

The centrifugal pumps of the HPK series have a replaceable elastic lining made of polyurethane or rubber. All components that come into contact with medium made of elastic, non-metallic materials are individually selected according to the requirements in the material quality.

Elastic materials take advantage of the so-called “trampoline effect”, so that they have major advantages in their wear behaviour, in comparison to metallic cast materials. A lining made of metal or mineral casting is also possible for this pump series.

HPK pumps are preferably used with abrasive or corrosive media with a maximum particle size of 5 mm (in special cases, up to 10 mm).

The pumps are equipped with easily replaceable wear parts and easy adjustable suction gap. The replaceable wear plates are screwed together with the metallic outer housing. The inner housing, which is also replaceable, is inserted loosely.

Débit de refoulement up to 4600 m3/h
Débit, à un niveau up to 70 M.FL.S
Vitesse de la pompe up to 2950 min-1
Diamètre nominal de raccordement 32 - 500
pression de service max. 10, 40 Bar
Température du liquide 130 °C
Aspiration normale 8 MW.S.
Position de la tubulure de pression par étapes
Résistance à la corrosion à PH 0 - 14
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Harpener Heide 14, 44805 Bochum, Germany +49 234 / 893570-0
Harpener Heide 14, 44805 Bochum, Germany +49 234 / 893570-0
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