The NPK series has a long proven track record in the coal industry. The pump's increased capacity combined with energy-efficient hydraulics contributes to impressive results in terms of durability, repair intervals and energy savings. Only two foundries in Europe are able to meet Habermann Aurum Pumpen GmbH's highest quality standards. The patented alloy HBN450 - HBN480 has properties that competitors with the same composition of chemical elements cannot match.
An NPK 200/560 pump was commissioned in 2005 to feed a WBC with conditioned magnetite slurry. After 9 years of operation without spare parts replacement, the pump was overhauled as part of the upgrade and moved to the hydrocyclone position for coal slurry feeding, where it continues to operate today without spare parts replacement.
A similar but more powerful NPK 300/630 model was supplied to the "Bachatskaya-Koksovaya" plant for feeding hydrocyclones for heavy media. At this point, the pump prevents over-crushing of coal due to enlarged hydraulic channels. Habermann Aurum is second to none in solving this problem, as the experience gained from the original design of KB compact pumps for handling very large particles in dredging and tunneling systems enables the manufacture of pumps with larger cross-sections, a minimum number of vanes and reduced speeds. These features allow minimal contact of the particles in the slurry with the walls of the hydraulics.