About the project
***, Tessenderlo, Bélgica Transport of salt to an electrolysis factory

We were confronted with the following task:
The filling of the storage tanks in the electrolysis plant is necessary up to 4 times a week. Until now, the salt was transferred from an inland vessel to trucks and transported to the electrolysis plant via country roads. About 80 truckloads are needed for one unloading operation. The salt is then transported over a distance of about 12 km. Since the storage tanks have to be filled four times a week, up to 320 truck transports through densely populated areas are required per week. This does not include the empty runs back to the canal. This kind of transport is associated with a lot of noise, dust and exhaust fumes for the residents.

Technical details & challenges The pressure pipeline exists. However, it is an old pressure pipeline made of PE with DN 200, 204.6 mm l.w., so that a pressure rating of PN 16 could no longer be achieved with the existing pipeline (ageing of the material). The pipeline length is approx. 5,672 [m], PE pipeline DN 200, 204.6 mm l.w.. In addition, the pipeline was comprehensively examined for the risk of frost. Due to the saturated brine solution, the stationary system can remain filled in normal winter without freezing. A small pump keeps the circuit moving at about 20 [m³/h]. Most of the pumps can also be operated closed, or the pipelines are laid 90 % frost-proof in the ground. Due to the circuit pumping, the system can be operated with a circuit pump without additional solids loading.
Our solution To meet the requirements, 6 pumping stations were installed. The saturated salt solution is fed into a mixing station. The dry salt is transported by a dredger from the barge to the mixing station. The brine absorbs the salt and transports it to a storage tank without dissolving the salt. The brine is pumped back to the mixing station without loading it with raw salt. This is possible because the brine is saturated. This means that the salt introduced can no longer be dissolved, or only in very small quantities. The system therefore pumps in a closed circuit.
Used pumps 6 HPK 150/450 armoured pumps with APFlex® lining for discharge pipe lengths:

Pump 1 - delivery distance from quay 757 m
Pump 2 - approx. 1195 m
Pump 3 - approx. further 1201 m
Pump 4 - approx. further 1216 m
Pump 5 - approx. another 560 m
Pump 6 - approx. further 300 m
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Numbers about us Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut.

trabajadores cualificados empleados en Habermann Aurum  

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67 años

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Harpener Heide 14, 44805 Bochum, Germany +49 234 / 893570-0 info@aurumpumpen.de
Harpener Heide 14, 44805 Bochum, Germany +49 234 / 893570-0 info@aurumpumpen.de
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¿Por qué bombas Habermann Aurum?

Habermann Aurum Pumpen es uno de los fabricantes líderes de bombas giratorias para el transporte de líquidos cargados de sólidos. Con casi 100 años de experiencia y la experiencia de más de 30. 000 bombas utilizadas en todo el mundo en una amplia gama de sectores industriales, nos hemos convertido en parte del sistema económico global. Nuestra cartera de productos incluye las áreas de bombas y válvulas. Gracias a la ingeniería interna, también somos capaces de resolver tareas técnicamente exigentes y complejas. Nuestro objetivo fundamental es desarrollar las bombas industriales más duraderas y sostenibles combinando décadas de experiencia con la tecnología más avanzada. Nuestras bombas se utilizan en la minería y la minería, la extracción de materias primas y energía, la siderurgia, la química, la industria de pigmentos, la perforación de túneles y la construcción especializada.