Sometimes it's quite simple after all. If you ask pump expert Stefan Leuchtenberger what the best pump is, the member of our management team will answer without hesitation: "The one that does what it's supposed to do: pump. For Process, Stefan Leuchtenberger explained in an interview what should make pumps "Made in Germany" and why this label is therefore not just a slogan for us, but a philosophy. He sees one consequence of this in our company's reputation: "Our pumps are preceded in the industry by the reputation that they are among the most durable pumps." More than 30,000 Habermann Aurum pumps are therefore used worldwide in the following sectors, among others, under the toughest abrasive and/or corrosive operating conditions: chemicals, fertilizer industry, sugar industry, processing of mineral raw materials, iron, steel and metallurgy, water supply and disposal,power generation. It is not uncommon for them to achieve a service life of around 40 years. If a spare part is needed, the service team digs deep into the 94 years of archives to find old parts lists and drawings, some of which are still handwritten, and produce the required components. Almost 10,000 molds for castings are available for this purpose, and 15,000 customers have already been convinced. "And if a model is not available, we use state-of-the-art additive manufacturing processes to realize the component anyway," explains Stefan Leuchtenberger. As a result, he says, the company is still able to supply original spare parts for a large number of the pumps it produces, which are manufactured in tried-and-tested quality according to the old machine-building tradition. The use of original spare parts also ensures CE-compliant repair. We are proud of this.
You can find the complete report about Stefan Leuchtenberger and our work - but in German - here at Process.