Habermann Aurum Pumpen GmbH was awarded the silver medal by EcoVadis, the internationally recognized self-disclosure of corporate social responsibility, and thus belongs to the top 25% of the companies evaluated by EcoVadis. This recognizes the company's commitment to the environment, ethics, labor and human rights, and sustainable procurement. With the silver medal, Habermann Aurum is now among the top 25 percent of companies assessed by EcoVadis and consolidates its position in the global supply chain as a sustainable pump manufacturer.This year, the company has achieved very good results in all areas. Particularly noteworthy are the areas of labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement, where the company has performed best and is among the top 10% in terms of points achieved. In all areas there are various projects and measures that have enabled us to achieve good results. The Eco-Vadis silver medal certifies that Habermann Aurum Pumpen is on the right track with the sustainability targets it has set itself. The EcoVadis award is a great incentive for us to continue improving our performance.